Quite Blue
Exploring what indigo and stripe patterns have in common
As a young person, it’s nearly impossible to remain unphased by trends and the zeitgeist. But how – in a world of constant changes – can design help us regain a sense of attachment to our clothing? Serving as a guideline for designers is the field of sustainability by promoting sustainable materials and production methods as well as social and economic equity which has a direct effect on the quality of products in terms of their design and durability and further offers concepts for recycling and re-use. Beyond these “technical” aspects, a sense for timeless design is just as important.
Quite Blue is a functional yet elegant wardrobe, that renounces any ornamental overload, instead highlighting only one element. Looking at history, stripes can be found on all kinds of garments: on royal clothing items as well as on sportswear, on maritime outfits or prison uniforms. With an either classy or ordinary, expressive or minimalistic appeal, they provide an almost chameleon-like adaptability.
Within this collection stripes appear in two versions: as single stripes of recycled denim assembled into larger surfaces; and as a pattern of vibrant structures created through meticulous manual dyeing processes. Within a preset formal order they lend themselves to an unlimited number of variations, expressions and associations – just as the unifying yet constantly shifting colour indigo blue.
Ronja Stucken