There is no room to breathe! We are lost and farther away than ever in an apocalypse of fashion residues, all scrambling for attention where we are unheard. What if we turned one-time use items into timeless Broqué pieces? Trash to Art; Silence to Woke! Upcycle all unloved and unworn fabrics into unique statement pieces for the youth to rise against Fast Fashion.
Breathe! Break the uniformity. We don’t mind to be similar, because we are unique. Collecting bits and pieces of scraps from the metropolis Dhaka, we communicate through bold designs in combinations of used or waste fabrics, we take the daily aesthetics of unisex garments and overlay them with intricate textile assemblages through patchwork and applique technique. Each garment becomes part of an art and social movement.
Our garments and materials stem from social circulation and remain within it. Repairs are done free of cost, and at the end of their user shelf life, they can be returned, so their legacy is passed on to someone else. These unique pieces are multifunctional and low maintenance, for everyday wear yet communicating our personal attitudes.
Mahenaz Chowdhury – Broqué