

TED 10 by Textiles Environment Design (TED)/ Centre for Circular Design (CCD) – lecture by Prof. Heike Selmer

  1. Design to minimise waste
  2. Design for cyclability
  3. Design to reduce chemical impacts
  4. Design to reduce energy and water use
  5. Design that explores clean/better technologies
  6. Design that looks at models from nature & history
  7. Design for ethical production
  8. Design to reduce the need to consume
  9. Design to dematerialise and develop systems & services
  10. Design activism

These points are an excellent guideline for a sustainable approach to design and concept during the product development stage.



cureated by Prof. Heike Selmer

After weeks of online learning, the long awaited “Mobile Library” went into circulation in Berlin. Prof. Heike Selmer curated a research library on topics spanning sustainable design, social responsibility, craft, upcycling and zero waste. Together with beautiful, dyed or embroidered fabrics from Bangladesh, thematic boxes were created, which were circulated among participants in Berlin. In times of social distancing, the mobile library enabled research and was a great way to handle real fabrics- many of which, like the indigo dyed silk fabrics from ‘Living Blue’, had been presented by companies during the previous Zoom conferences. For designers, who are used to work haptically, nothing beats the experience of handling these precious works of art.